kini aku dah tau nk buat tartlets sendiri! hoyeh~
(mcm pelik jugak.mcm mana la cikgu ni tau yg aku buat mini-cakes utk umi haritu ye?)
whatever it is..i'm so excited bout this tartlets and pastries class.
because now i can make something that i love to eat..hee~
i really love to eat pastries.especially yg manis-manis tu.haha
(tanda-tanda bakal menghidap penyakit diabetes)
we learned to bake mexican bun, cream puff, blueberry cheese tart,fruit tart and egg tart.
tartlets are easy..but i want the hands-on learning before i can start making them on my own.
ye lah..kalo tak jadi.rugi je kan? =P
here are the pictures taken during class ;)
its quite complicated to make this.but hey..we made it ;)
abgngah's fave~
its not as delicious as beard's papa's or those abgngah bought from inchon.
but atleast we know the basic to make them =)
yes.lepas ni tak payah nk beli tart mahal-mahal kat bakery lagi.
dah boleh buat sendiri.nnt buat banyak-banyak..makan banyak-banyak sampai muak~
ok abgngah.esok jom DDR sampai patah kaki! ;D
p/s : cikgu kata suruh jual.haha.korang berani ke nak try tartlets aku buat nnt? ngeeee~
aku pon da blaja wat kt umah dh blueberry cheese tart 2...
hehehe~ ritu ade baca kat status kau =)
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