umi...alia dah balik~
hore hore~ bergembira~
seronoknya dah mula cuti.rase mcm2 nak buat cuti ni.
tapi of coz byk tido je nnt.haha.
opp.skang ni dah takde bibik.bukannya bibik lari.tapi bibik dah balik indon.
so.dah sebulan takde bibik kat rumah.
kesian umi sorang2 takde sape teman.
takpe umi.skang alia dah cuti,boleh teman umi =))
wow.dah takde bibik baru la aku sedar.
selama 18-19thn tinggal kat rumah ni.tak penah2 nak tau guna washing machine.
ala.takat mesin basuh kat ukm ngan kmpk tu takyah cite la.
masuk duit tekan start yg kat rumah..nak set-set macam2.
ohohohoho.mcm tu rupenye.ape daaaa aku neh =P
oh ya.ade sape2 tau resipi kek coklat yg sedap tak??
i'm planning to bake a chocolate cake for my mum's birthday on the 5th of may.
so...any recipies or tips..please please please share with me ok? THANX ;)
take care people.
happy holidays ;)
and for those who are currently sitting for their exams.GOOD LUCK!
lots of love.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
boredom is my name
i cant sleep last night.maybe God wants me to do my subuh prayers first kot.
sbb dah slalu sgt tuang subuh.hoho.sib bek lepas subuh trus doze off..zZzZZzZz~
ah..terjaga awal plak. +sigh+ mmg cadang nk pegi fakulti and submit senarai tajuk thesis.
and i'm craving for lasagna at &Zar Bakery.............once a week....
haha.(no wonder i have acne.too much oil from the lasagna)
but its true...i go to the bakery once a week just to eat the lasagna.haha.
korg yg kat ukm ni mesti la tau portion lasagna tu mcm mane kan =P
korg penah tgk tak cerita tajuk 'Precious' ?
pokok ckp...'org tu jadi gemuk mcm tu sbb mkn lasagna tiap2 minggu'
mana ade laaa pokok! org mkn lasagna tiap minggu tumbuh jerawat je!
haha.and partially because YOU miss me TOO MUCH that it gave me PIMPLES~
hahahaha.perasan ;P
odw pegi fakulti tadi terdgr la budak2 ni pnye caller ringtone.
justin bieber 'baby'.ngeee~ cute kan justin bieber.
tp dah semua org pun guna ringtone yg sama.bosan la weh.
well...tak kisah la.hak masing2~ btw.hp samsung tu dah rosak.
lepas ni malas nk pakai hp slide dah.asik nk kena tuka je strip blkg tu.pokai duh!
thinking of trading it with corby.tgk la dlu.
sbb dah slalu sgt tuang subuh.hoho.sib bek lepas subuh trus doze off..zZzZZzZz~
ah..terjaga awal plak. +sigh+ mmg cadang nk pegi fakulti and submit senarai tajuk thesis.
and i'm craving for lasagna at &Zar Bakery.............once a week....
haha.(no wonder i have acne.too much oil from the lasagna)
but its true...i go to the bakery once a week just to eat the lasagna.haha.
korg yg kat ukm ni mesti la tau portion lasagna tu mcm mane kan =P
korg penah tgk tak cerita tajuk 'Precious' ?
pokok ckp...'org tu jadi gemuk mcm tu sbb mkn lasagna tiap2 minggu'
mana ade laaa pokok! org mkn lasagna tiap minggu tumbuh jerawat je!
haha.and partially because YOU miss me TOO MUCH that it gave me PIMPLES~
hahahaha.perasan ;P
odw pegi fakulti tadi terdgr la budak2 ni pnye caller ringtone.
justin bieber 'baby'.ngeee~ cute kan justin bieber.
tp dah semua org pun guna ringtone yg sama.bosan la weh.
well...tak kisah la.hak masing2~ btw.hp samsung tu dah rosak.
lepas ni malas nk pakai hp slide dah.asik nk kena tuka je strip blkg tu.pokai duh!
thinking of trading it with corby.tgk la dlu.
talking bout exams...well..
for next week...tdr dah cover 80%..
practical biochem? zZZzZZZZzZzzZzZZZz~
good luck people.all the best =))
p/s ; alhamdulillah birthday 'present' to france dah selamat smpi =) card tu kemek sikit.takpe la.asalkn bende2 dlm tu doesnt fall off.hope you like it syahir ijat ;) and sorry that its not neatly done.
Monday, April 5, 2010
the decision.
good morning.
now here's the top 5 title that i want and hope to get for my thesis.
(huh? thesis? latihan ilmiah? wtv)
1. Phytoremediasi logam berat menggunakan bakteria (Datin Ainon)
2. Kesan ektrak tumbuhan ke atas infeksi Bukholderia pseudomallei (Dr MNE)
3. Aktiviti biologi mikroorganisma marin (Dr Asmat)
4. Aktiviti antivirus dan antibakteria ekstrak tumbuhan atau kimia sintetik (Dr Nazlina)
5. Pemahaman gerakbalas hos terhadap infeksi bakteria patogen (Dr Sheila)
tajuk nmpk mcm senang.senang ke?
we'll find out next year~
we're in study week now.exam minggu depan.
why so relaxed?~ hurm.ask yourself.
better late than never aite? push your brains out till the last paper.
good luck people =)
nothing much to tell.
take care always yah.
now here's the top 5 title that i want and hope to get for my thesis.
(huh? thesis? latihan ilmiah? wtv)
1. Phytoremediasi logam berat menggunakan bakteria (Datin Ainon)
2. Kesan ektrak tumbuhan ke atas infeksi Bukholderia pseudomallei (Dr MNE)
3. Aktiviti biologi mikroorganisma marin (Dr Asmat)
4. Aktiviti antivirus dan antibakteria ekstrak tumbuhan atau kimia sintetik (Dr Nazlina)
5. Pemahaman gerakbalas hos terhadap infeksi bakteria patogen (Dr Sheila)
tajuk nmpk mcm senang.senang ke?
we'll find out next year~
we're in study week now.exam minggu depan.
why so relaxed?~ hurm.ask yourself.
better late than never aite? push your brains out till the last paper.
good luck people =)
nothing much to tell.
take care always yah.

Friday, April 2, 2010
a visit to terengganu
my first trip alone! takde la alone joined a trip to somewhere without anyone i knew.buat selamba je la kan? kalo tak.smpi bila2 pun x smpi under biro keusahawanan kolej sbnrnye.seronok jugak join benda2 mcm ni ek.wlpn sorg2.haha.xpe la.yg lain sume ade hal.nk buat cane =)
well..without them i still can go ;) tinggalkan sume assignment and went away for a while. (padahal risau gila byk report x siap lagi.smgt nk pegi terengganu pnye pasal)

first spot.dekat muzium terengganu =) sedih je sbb x sempat masuk muzium tu.ktorg pusing2 sekitar muzium tu je.sbb tak cukup masa and muzium tu besar plak~ hehe.cantik sangat muzium tu.dgn ukiran2 die artistic and unique.
pic bawah ni.dkt area dpn masjid kristal.hee..around tu ad taman monumen masjid2 dari seluruh dunia~ yet..tak sempat nk pegi jugak =( geesh.nak sgt tgk taman monumen tu.
okay.pic bawah ni my 'partner' and me dpn masjid kristal.haa..nmpk mcm kristal tak? hehe.seriously cantik~'s spectacular and i'm amazed~

the journey doesnt end there yet.straight after visiting the masjid, we went to a batik workshop.hee.everyone got their chance to draw their batik and you got to canting them took us hours to finish them.kena draw dgn pensel dulu.pastu canting dgn lilin.pastu nak warna pula.fuh~ well...nobody offered me a i have to do it all on my own~ gila lah.hampir give up pun kuatkan semangat and i keep telling myself not to give it up.(org lain diorg siap tolong canting and warnakan lagi.huhu)
ingt saje jalan nk bersuka ria ke? ade LDK lagi members sume best2 and baik2 sume =) and luckily our presentation x kena comment and critic teruk dgn 'judges'.haha.the funniest thing is.we promoted our product on silk/ manalah aku bleh tersilap cakap tudung mawi plak.adoi.padahal dlm kepala ni nk ckp tudung ekin =P
yeay! dapat jugak jumpa dello~~ seronok yg amat sgt.rindu gila gila kat dello.huhu.dapat jumpa kejap pun jadi la kan? :)) thanx beb sbb sudi jumpa aku wlpn dah lewat.thanx to 'selipar jepun' jugak sbb sanggup bwk dello jumpe saye~
ni keesokan harinya (ahad).pegi tempat tanam cendawan.hee.kami siap dihidangkn dgn cendawan goreng lagi.sedap2~

pegi mana2 pun takkan terlepas nk bergambar dgn 'pokok'.hahaha~ motip nk bergambar dgn pokok?? =P whatever it is.i still love you, POKOK~ ;)
hee.gmbr ni dkt atas bazaar warisan.opposite to pasar payang.its windy up there~ and baru pas mkn durian ade org blanja.hikhik.

wow.penat mmg penat.tapi seronok~ seronok dpt kenal dgn org2 baru.dpt pegi tmpt2 yg cantik dan unik2~ the best thing about terengganu is, their hospitality is very good.pegi bengkel canting batik.diorg tak sudah2 fill up the food and drinks.sbb tau ktorg penat mencanting.haha.kononnye la.pastu kat tmpt cendawan tu pun.siap goreng byk2 lagi cendawan and keropok.oh.pegi jugak tmpt keropok losong.but didnt take any pics there.nothing interesting pun situ.
well..without them i still can go ;) tinggalkan sume assignment and went away for a while. (padahal risau gila byk report x siap lagi.smgt nk pegi terengganu pnye pasal)
first spot.dekat muzium terengganu =) sedih je sbb x sempat masuk muzium tu.ktorg pusing2 sekitar muzium tu je.sbb tak cukup masa and muzium tu besar plak~ hehe.cantik sangat muzium tu.dgn ukiran2 die artistic and unique.
the journey doesnt end there yet.straight after visiting the masjid, we went to a batik workshop.hee.everyone got their chance to draw their batik and you got to canting them took us hours to finish them.kena draw dgn pensel dulu.pastu canting dgn lilin.pastu nak warna pula.fuh~ well...nobody offered me a i have to do it all on my own~ gila lah.hampir give up pun kuatkan semangat and i keep telling myself not to give it up.(org lain diorg siap tolong canting and warnakan lagi.huhu)

(baru aku tau budak umt suka panjat pagar.haha)
pegi mana2 pun takkan terlepas nk bergambar dgn 'pokok'.hahaha~ motip nk bergambar dgn pokok?? =P whatever it is.i still love you, POKOK~ ;)
wow.penat mmg penat.tapi seronok~ seronok dpt kenal dgn org2 baru.dpt pegi tmpt2 yg cantik dan unik2~ the best thing about terengganu is, their hospitality is very good.pegi bengkel canting batik.diorg tak sudah2 fill up the food and drinks.sbb tau ktorg penat mencanting.haha.kononnye la.pastu kat tmpt cendawan tu pun.siap goreng byk2 lagi cendawan and keropok.oh.pegi jugak tmpt keropok losong.but didnt take any pics there.nothing interesting pun situ.
sbb saye pegi terengganu.
saye tak dpt 'bersama2' syahir ijat pada birthday die.
sorrrrrrryyyyyy syahir ijatttt! ade belikan turtle utk syahir ijat.
souv dari ganu.ngee~ muahxXxXXx!
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