ini pun buat di saat-saat akhir.
million thanks to my dear syahir aizat for helping me out.
you've been really helpful sweetie.
figuring out the words.meanings..and constructing 'em..feww~
harap2 madam kate okay. =)
to syahir aizat ;
nahh dah buat cantik2~ (xde la cantik sgt je yg org tpke nak buat =P )tadi x sempat nk tunjuk sbb u have to go to post it here for you :) thanx again sayang~
oh..for you guys out there.
mon sac means 'my bag'
so the assignment is to describe all the things in my bag.haha.
saya budak baru belajar ;)
*sepanjang hari..............*