
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

53rd =)


20hb merupakan tarikh yang special untuk aku dan syahir.
ye lah.sebab ktorg mula dating 20hb kan. =P
ktorg bukan je sambut anniversary, monthliversary pun ade.hee
salah satu sebabnye, mungkin sebab dulu kitorang jauh =)

anyway, tu bukan topik utama disini ye..
tadi aku ada borak dengan seorang labmate ni, tiba2 dia tanya,

'alia, do you have a bestfriend?'
'erm...i dunno....why?'
'then who do you always talk to when you have problems?'
' boyfriend is my bestfriend'

baru aku tahu yang dia sebenarnya baru putus tunang.
salah satu sebabnya, dia belum ready nak kahwin. and bekas tunang dia tak nak faham situasi dia.
yelah, anak sulung, rasa ada tanggungjawab kat adik2, mak ayah.
but why cant the guy understand her? why cant he wait for like, another year or two?
tak sayang ke hubungan 10 tahun tu?

bila aku dengar masalah kawan aku tu..buat aku terfikir...
i know i'm the troublemaker in our relationship.dah beberapa kali bergaduh and break disebabkan aku..
but we always found our way back.
i always feel like, i'm the luckiest girl to have him as my partner.
the one who always understands me, always so supportive.except, yeah, aku yang keras hati and selalu ignore je.haha

dia selalu sabar je dengan kerenah aku yang tak tentu hala mood swings that he will never understand..haha..
so i said to my friend..

'sabar ye..if you were meant to be, you will always find a way back to each other'

things happened for a reason right? 

i'm lucky i found you, syahir aizat abdullah sani,
i love you bestfriend =)

p/s ; tak semestinya kita berat, badan kita tak sihat.


Syahir Aizat Abdullah Sani said...

alalala~ so sweet of you~ hehe~ terharu org baca~ hope we will always find each other as we always had~ =) insyaAllah kalau jodoh kite tak ke mana kan.=) i always hope u found my jodoh already~ =) sabar dgn org jugak tau~ =p

ainaanya said...

When you feel like giving up, just remember why you've held on for so long. Nanti kalau dah sampai serunya jemput kita! (: