
Monday, May 31, 2010

the lovetale of..


dah la.takde ape yg nak diperkatakan lagi.
he is really super great (and all the nice things) nice to me.
i'm just too blind to see.
come on lah alia! nape heartless sgt ni ;(
shit shit shit!

ur pathetic la alia!
dah ada org sayang mcm nak mampos pun tak penah nk appreciate.

mirad ni mcm paham2 je aku tgh tekanan perasaan.
aku rasa mcm nak terjun laut and lemas!
or go to any concert and shout my lungs out!
right now.just by saying his name.i feel like i wanna cry.
sobsob.somebody help me.
i want to be someone better.a better me.


me3rad said...

kaLau ko nak mati pon...
jgn mati sebeLum aku...
nanty aku terpaksa nanges sambiL bace yassin untk ko...
xmacho dah aku..
Lex k~~

Anonymous said...

Alia Lokman said...
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Alia Lokman said...

haha.biar la aku mati dlu weh.
kau nangis ah utk aku.aku takyah nangis tuk kau. =P besties sehidup semati k mirad!

me3rad said...

xmo aku !!
kaLo aku nanges nanty ak daa xmacho dah..
ta pe2...kaLo dah kemaruk sgt nk mati jgn cari aku eyh ? !
ciss...giLe pk psL mati2 nie pLak...u r strong and i know u can face it..i'LL aLways be by ur side k~~