eh.dah nak masuk Oktober? hurm.time surely flies too fast.
this week has indeed been a joyous and happy week.
Congratulations to all my friends who have successfully graduated.
esp Ahli Kaji Kuman 08-11.gonna miss you guys =( *sobs*

miss you guys already =((
sedih nanti taktau bila akan jumpa diorang lagi ='(
Padini Warehouse Sale!
damn! can you see the crowd???
thank god my office is not that far from Shah Alam.
and nasib baikkk tak kena saman.fuh~ all item is just rm 5 each.siapa yang taknak woi.
dapat la 4 baju baru nak pergi office.ngehehehe.
i wanna grow old with you.....WESTLIFE!
knowing that Mark Feehily is gay is such a turn-off.
damn.kenapa lah yang gay mesti yang handsome.yang handsome mesti nak gay.
-_____-" annoying.
ahhh.tak payah lah aku nak jerit2 panggil Mark nanti.*kecewa*
take care guys! ;)
p/s ; baru sebulan.tapi macam setahun lamanya =(