you know, before this i never think that having a twin sister is an advantage.
sama macam kau ada adik yang muda setahun je..kot?
bukan semua benda pun identical la..we just look identical.but not EXACTLY identical? erm..how do i put this into words ey..
i cant wear her clothes/pants/shoes because she is one size smaller.*sad but true*
sedih lagi sebab kasut dia semua kecik, tapi dia boleh bantai semua kasut aku.
we have different smiles..mata pun lain2..boyfriend pun lain2.oopss.
adik kena laa 'kecik' daripada kakak kan..hahaha *ayat penyedap hati*

oh no! i have someone looks exactly like me!
urgh.sama tapi tak serupa.
sometimes when we are getting ready to go out..we would say..'oh no...why do you look like me?'
hahaha.pernah jugak kadang2 terkonfius diri sendiri bila tengok gambar muka dah macam aina.tapi aina tak pakai baju ni masa gi event tu..
sendiri pun boleh konfius =_____="

but you will always have someone to talk with.someone to tendang.
someone to ajak gi mana2.someone annoying yang suka-ambik-barang-org-pastu-buat-harta-sendiri.
let me give you two situations.
#1 (masa volunteer kat PSN)
Mr P : korg ni belaja lagi ke?
Me : haah..belaja lagi.. (tipu bebenor)
Mr P : oh ye? belaja kat mane? ambik course ape?
Me : urm..belaja kat UM..amik course Chemistry.. (bahahaha! see that??)
selang 10 minit,
Mr P : awak plak belaja kat mane? amik course ape?
the friend : saye kat UM..amik course Chemistry..
Mr P : ohhh..same laa dengan dia tu..
the friend : errr...ermm..haah..same laa..cuma satu course lain kelas kot.(pandai kau cover hani)
sebab aku malas nak bagitau aku kerja mana..bukan dorg tau pun..and then malas nak cerita aku buat ape sume -__- selalu aku cakap aku kerja kat subang je.
#2 (baru balik dari Digital Mall)
aina : terlupa la nak print gambar tadi
alia : nape nak kene print gambar?
aina : nak letak gambar kat kad makan
alia : takyah la print.guna gambar alia je.
the next day,
alia : dorg terima ke gambar alia tu?
aina : dorg amik je.hehehe
easy right? hahaha :D
ok bye!