on this 14th of February I ain't gonna celebrate Valentine's day..
but more to a siblings outing..
due to a recent unfortunate event that fall onto abgngah..
aku saje je la nak ajak family aku keluar makan.because we simply loveee food!
just to take his mind off the incident.at least for a second..huhu.poor abgngah, poor abgngah.. =(

the famous IKEA meatballs, pasta with tomato sauce, full-chicken i-dont-know!

good food bro, good food!
and i have laid my eyes on this beautiful bed yet so expensive and i cant afford it right now.
un par un alia..un par un~
*korek2 tabung*
nak makan tutti frutti.anyone want to teman me? =)
p/s ; nak beli tu la..nak beli ni laa..tapi duitnye takde pun.humph!
p/s/s ; dont leave anything precious in your vehicle..nanti menyesal tak sudah..huhu.
syg~ nanti ajak org makan kat situ gak tau~ kekeke~ mcm sedap plak~ =p
and i wish i can teman you to get some tutti frutti...=(((
hehe.ok! nanti kite makan kat sane =)) cepat balik! then we can eat lots n lotsa yummy food~
nape ngan abg ko lia???
hope everythng fine.
miss u la..
bila ntah nk borak2 lg kan.. huhukk..
wannor ; cam tak caye je kau rindu aku? huhu.ade la benda jadi yang menyebabkan kehilangan mencecah ribuan ringgit.haih.
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