suda pegi tgk eagle eye~~~
omg...really want to watch this movie...
dunno anything bout the story at first..
just because shia labeouf yg berlakon...i'm all excited~~
and plus...
i'm watching it with my dear sweetie.. =)
we went to alamanda..
dekat laa jugak ek?? xpnah tau plak..huhu..
if it isnt going out with you...
i wont know where alamanda is~
mcm penat juge...tp mungkin excited mau keluar same kamu..
lupekan segala kepenatan...huhu..
when we arrived at alamanda..
go and bought the tickets first...
and then pegi beli latte at dunkin donut..
oh...i wanted the cold latte...not the hot one..
its my fault jugak...for not asking the cold one..
xpe lahh....dunt want to make any fuss..
quite nice...and then lepak a&w for a while..
abes cool laa root beer float tu? ngekKKkkk~~
spending time with u is the sweetest moment.. =)
gila teruja tgk shia labeouf berlakon...
smpi x perasan pun org kat sebelah tu..
lagi2 bile dpt popcorn sekotak..
sib bek x beli large punye..
usually mesti akn beli yg large...hehe
rase mcm dah x sedap plak popcorn tu...
yelahh...tgk wayang plak dgn org yg x ske mkn popcorn..
okay2...next time when i'm going to watch movies with you...
i dont want to buy any popcorn...
as usual...my hands will get cold..nape ek...
its okay...ur hands are hot..so i can stay warm in the movies.. =)
oh tidak...we went to the arcade...
and played a few games...
disebabkan baru je mkn popcorn sekotak sorng2...
so i'm quite full....
main arcade dulu la konon nye nak kasi lapar balik..
hek....aduhai...agak segan laa nk maen arcade dgn die..
tp wat bodo jek...maen aje suda~
hoho...gile first time mcm ni...
then baru pegi mcd..
hey...i'm supposed to pay for the food!
huhuhu...ini tidak adil..
xpe2....next time.. =)
agak lame laa lepak mcd..
borak2 n all.. =)
lupakan kekusutan hal est...
dont want to spoil my mood when i'm with you...
when we were just about to go back...
its raining when we got out from the movies..
didnt expect the bike will get wet too...
huhu..its okay...its not something bad laa syg..
i got to spend more time with you rite? =)
ahh...mcm happy plak ble jadi cmni...
so we're going to watch our second movie of the day..
senario the movie..gile mcm hampeh..
sape2 yg bace blog ni..sile jgn tgk senario di panggung..
not worth it la...
kalo ikut kan hati nk je klua n then curik2 masuk panggung lain..
aih...sakit hati jugak laa sbb buang duit kat movie hampeh cmtu..
aduhai...xpe laa...lepak2 dlm panggung suda..
knape laa rase mcm klua this time...
is full with sweet moments..
i wish to treasure this moment with you dear..
and sadly...we didn't manage to snap even one pic that day..
so happy...dunt know...maybe its because i'm with you..
the one i never expected to go out with..
the one i never expected to be with... =)
so madly in love with you...
1 comment:
main arcade..~ hehehe.. exercice sket..
selambe je dgn org k..?
kite kan universal.?.~=)
semua pun bleh...~
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