-since leaving high school, i havent met with my dearest Zafirah Zakaria.
-oh.Bibu i often met her, since she's studying in U.M. ;)
-my dearly missed Ezatul Ereena. was a sectionmate of mine.a part of the Royal Rhapsody family. and of course.the issues we talked about is band..orchestras..blablabla.exchanging thoughts and experience.
-Amira Adnan.fairly well-known.need not to mention.haha.the bestest of friend. =))
-we met Farah Shakinah by coincidence =P
oh.i am never a huge fan of twilight.but for mirad's sake.we watched twilight saga:new moon. but who cares..worth the money just to be with my girls ;) (kan aku dah ckp.twilight bukan best sgt pun mirad) LOL~ we sure had tonnes of fun aite? gossips about batchmates.seniors.juniors.catching up on each other and friends.its a perfect day and a great gathering. ;) but seriously.feels like i havent had enough of you guys yet. =(( hope to see you guys again.. =) i had a great time with you guys.thanx!
ku rasa ku dansa di angkasa~
haha.never thought of going to times square and playing the rides there. suddenly had the urge to ask chetot out to times square. "eyh.jom naik roller coaster kat times square?" haha.what a freakingly hectic day.and its my first time to barf out after riding the roller coaster. and guess what.the vomit is pinkish orange in colour.because of the cotton candy we had before riding the roller coaster.haha.this too,i had a really great day with my darling Chetot and my dear brothers.hee~ times square has always been a 'thing' for my big bro.so.......when i mentioned that i wanted to go to cosmo's world..he,too, wanted to follow =P great,huh? but i dont know why, from the start, i had a super headache.haha.well~ first experience ;)
hey darL...
new moon was not so bad wut...
dapat tengok jacob's body y hot jugak kan...
pastu nie sapee punye Line nie tyme movee di Langsungkan: ' eeeeeeeeee...dye kat bLakang tuh ' dengan kuatnyee...huahuhauhauh!
excited terLebeyh maa~
neway...it was fun...
owh~ so sO so sO jelesss la!!!!
wish i could b ther too~ =(
nway, sempat b'gosip?
i like this post!! :)
triple like! :)
mirad:aku mmg over-excited ble tgk movie ni mirad.kau mcm xtau plak.haha
wawa:hehe.gosip gosip.pssssttt~~ =P
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