well hello!
percaya tak percaya aku gi tengok WOC tahun ni.
seronok dapat borak dengan cikgu (cikgu zul & cikgu midah). dua orang tu je la pun yang kenal.
i saw a few familiar faces.junior seratas pun ada.tapi diorang tak kenal aku pun.(diorang kenal panda dengan hanna je.cis) too bad la aku recognize and ingat dorang sape even through facebook je.(touching kejap)
and so here are my opinions on this year's orchestra.
tengok division 1 saje.division 2 tak pergi tengok sebab penat sangat hari tu.
since SERATAS merupakan first group yang main untuk div. 1
i say it was a very good opening.and i was excited and enjoying myself while watching them perform.great performance from them! really proud and happy that they played really well.
Abraham's (or is it Abram's?) Pursuit was an exciting song though.
bagus bagus.kesian panda,hanna dgn caer (and his friend) sebab tak sempat tengok seratas main.sesat barat.haih.putrajaya ni memang pening kepala betul.

me band!
aku sebenarnya macam dah bosan dengar lagu yang dok ulang2 dari tahun berapa tah.tapi ye la.tak semua sekolah mampu bawa lagu gempak2.and maybe diorang cuba untuk improve kualiti bunyi,skill or whatsoever.
SCATZ ; dunno why.but i felt a little bored while hearing them play.hurm.....
STAR ; impressive! they are improving tremendously this year.but still...a bit rocky here and there.tapi aku cakap kat abgngah..his band showed a lot of improvement berbanding dengan tahun-tahun yang lepas.congrats abgngah!

star winds.
SMSAH ; as expected.they pick a song full with dynamics.no doubt they are very good with that.if they make it to the finals.i think it would be a good comeback for them.*clap clap*
SAS ; shockingly..tahun ni entah kenapa.they played like they didn't practice enough.it's a shock for a school like SAS to play like that.obviously masa lagu melayu.gila macam......dotdotdot......best wishes to them though.
yang lain tak nak komen apa2.takde ape yang nak dikomen pun. =P
just my personal opinion.no hard feelings.
p/s ; thank you popoko =)