annoying saturday.

why do i find this place highly annoying from day to day?
urgh.maybe i have lost interest in whatever that they are doing.
sabar sabar..
lagi lagi si driver.huhuhu.
susah lah macam ni.bila dah mula annoyed dengan someone.forever annoyed -____-
sorry.i'm not an dont expect me to act like one.
and i'm not you.and dont expect me to follow what you think YOU would do.and what you think is good for YOU.GTH.
sabar sabar..
p/s ; bak kata pepatah, hujan emas di negera orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri.lebih baik di negeri sendiri.
cepat2 Lah baLik msia...aku dah rendu ! =)
kak alia.. blk keje msia la.. sng.. ada kak mirad gojes.. hehe =)
mirad ; yelaaahhhh tu mirad -____-
wafa ; yup2.tengah nak cari kerja kat malaysia =) hehe.
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