mentang2 rumah da dekat dgn Uni...
went to bazaar at kj...met some of my diorng mcm x knal saye je..
bli laa sket2...coz kat umah umi da masak sedap...
balik rumah laa time nk spend beli ape2...
since i'm not using my own money.. =P
haha..ya lor...
kat uni kene jimat...
lgpun xde byk food yg best2..
time balik rumah laa nk melantak puas2....
gosh...2 weeks b4 midsem break...
busy2....lots n lots of assignments n xm to think about..
aduhai...makin lame makin malas pulak...
ape nk jadi ni..
microb is getting harder and complicated...
with all the diseases and viruses to remember...
huhu..bile da blaja microb...rase nk makan ayam tu dah kurang...
meaning...risau kalo ayam yg dijual x bersih or its already rotten or somewhat..
yea..kalo x pnah kne xkn laa x mkn ayam rite..
jadi vegetarian maybe...ngahaha...(bleh percaye ke alia vegetarian??)
no lah...i just dunt want to eat chicken outside...unsure if it is safe to eat...
afraid if it is rotten...or maybe contaminated...
sometimes cant believe some of the bact in the lab...such as E.coli..

we use a lot of E.coli in the lab..for experiments..
it might cause some harmful diseases...huhu..
yet..the students still are not aware of it...
bukanlah saye nak kate E.coli infect chicken...hek..
chicken ape ek...Salmonella maybe...
ape2 pun...ALIA says NO to AYaM!
hanye ayam yg dimasak di rumah saje yg saye akan makan...(as if??)
esp KFC...i will try to avoid eating KFC...huhuhu...
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