of course there are a lot of cars on the road (duh!)
but yana manage to drive her own car...instead of having abg rizal drive us to ou..
we're planning to go to ou..
tp x pg pun snanye..
yana + aina
yeahh...pas carik kasut....pusing2 flee market plak kat luar the curve tu...baru la rase fresh sket...dpt fresh air...huu~
okay..next kitorang berbuka at the apartment..n like...wow~ restaurant tu mmg mcm suasana dlm apartment...n we had the ramadhan buffet...we ate with yana's whole family..bcause we're going to celebrate her bday as well...time tu mmg lapar n penat gile..as usual...saye mmg mkn byk...i took a whole plate of spaghetti with some udang masak merah..ad mussels juge...n the next plate amek nasi goreng dgn chicken stew..hehe...well..it's rm48 per head! expensive...but yet..it's worth it..and i got really bloated..oooppphh~~ and abg rizal lagi kate....alia pg amik lagi...huhu...i just finished one plate of spaghetti n one plate of nasi goreng....x larat nk makan lagi~ (to me baby= sorry sweetie...nnt gf u gemok!)
we rock ikano tonite! (haha!)
hehehe..takpe pun tak msg..
janji syg saya hepi slalu..=)
wah, dah gemuk ek..? bagus2, nanti takde sape nak suke die kecuali saye..=p
jd bantal peluk la nanti.. hehehe..~
miss u 2..
sukanya dia dapat gi jejalan...saya...baju raya pun tak bei lagi...*dush dush*
oh..yana..lama juga tak jumpa dia..
send my regards to her, ok sis?
hope ur relationship will last forever..
okie~ thanx lin! =)
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