
Thursday, December 1, 2011


i'm home!

maybe this will be our last time going to Jakarta.mungkin lah.pergi lagi sekali pun kalau nak pergi shopping, jalan2 je.*tak kot*
with a interesting in-flight experience.minus the sakit tengkuk.
what i like about being in an aeroplane is the feeling when the plane is going to board.and land.
bila nak boarding : speed aeroplane laju.gegar2 langgar batu.lepas tu sikit2 terasa macam bahagian depan tu dah cecah udara~ fly fly fly~
bila nak landing : aeroplane tu turunkan tayar depan.tutup sikit kat bahagian sayap *prepare to land* lepas tu nak land gegar2 langgar batu.bila semua dah bahagian dah selamat mendarat aeroplane makin lama makin slow.
aku je kot yang rasa perasaan thrill macam tu bila naik aeroplane. =P

oh.the interesting in-flight experience was when there's this young and beautiful french lady, enthusiastically converse in bahasa indonesia with makcik2 dari malaysia.
and it seems that these makcik2 doesnt know much in berbelit2 jugak la pompuan perancis yang baru belajar bahasa indonesia ni nak cakap dalam bahasa indonesia/malaysia dengan dorg.
aku dengan dina dekat seat depan tergelak2 je la dengar dorg berborak.haha~
i heard she said that she learnt to speak in bahasa indonesia from the books and dari oraeng *omputih cakap oraeng*
i simply adore her guts to start a conversation with anyone.and she does seem friendly though.nice huh =)

for now, i have to sleep in aina's room because the attic is still under renovation.
so bilik aku ganti jadi bilik stor letak barang2 dari attic semua.
dunno when will i get my room back.*sobs*

anyway, so glad to be home.cant wait to visit my little pokoks tomorrow~
sedih bila ada uncle buat renovation ni amik keratan dari pokok-pokok saya.
tak tanya pun =( takpe lahh~ i know my little pokoks are beautiful~ :D

lullaby for tonight ;

goodnight world.


popoko said...

hey i feel the same too when the plane is taking off or landing~ hehehe~ the way u describe it really kena dgn ape yg org rasa~ =) hee.. enjoy malaysia syg..=)

cik gojes :) said...

finaLLy aLia's home !!! yeay !

Alia Lokman said...

popoko ; eiii~ sibuk je nak rasa sama cam org rasa~ wek~

mirad ; yeay yeay yeay!