helloooo wednesday!
i bet you guys out there are some shopaholic freaks! aren't you?
as for me, i have always been a cheapskate.kedekut nak keluar duit.
but lately, with me subscribing all those online fashion and online boutiques on facebook,
buying them are sooo hard to resist.*sobs*
tapi aku tak beli pun sebenarnya.cuci-cuci mata sambil sakit hati sebab takde duit.
bukan takde duit.ada..but i'm saving my money for other more important stuffs.

here are some tips i found on tumblr to help you to get to your senses especially when you're shopping online.
1. PRICE = is it worth the money?? is it worth buying??
2. SIZE = does it fits you correctly? i dont shop clothes/shoes online because of this.i learned my lessons.
3. COLOUR = does the colour work for you? kalau online memang nampak cantik.model cantik.kulit putih.tapi match ke dengan warna kulit kita?
4. FLATTERY = of course it is! cantiknya tu.cantiknya ni.tapi perlu ke kita nak beli?
orang cheapskate macam aku memang selalu fikir benda2 macam tu bila nak beli sesuatu.
tunggu sale more than 50% off baru beli.ngahaha.
unless you really really want them and you work your butt off to have them.
tapi tak salah rasanya kalau kita kumpul duit 2-3 bulan.simpan duit gaji.lepas tu beli apa yang kita nak =)
dah beberapa kali beli baju online tapi tak muat/terlalu besar =(
lagipun, lebih baik beli baju kat kedai, dapat cuba and compare dengan badan kita sesuai atau tak.baru la tak rugi~ =)
lagipun, lebih baik beli baju kat kedai, dapat cuba and compare dengan badan kita sesuai atau tak.baru la tak rugi~ =)
ok aku sebenarnya nak sedapkan hati untuk tidak membeli baju-baju kat poplook.
p/s ; i'm saving my money for something else ;)
Ahaha lebih kurang je kite ni alia oi.. suke shoping tapi nak yg murah2 dan cantik. hahaha.
btw, shoping kat timse square best esp blouse n dresses sbb murahhh sgt! hihi. =))
yeah, aku jugak rasa sedih biLa takde duit pastu onLine shop ade barang Lawa2 pLak ! Looser giLa rasa~ hukhukhuk~
mamay ; yeah.times square.tapi quality byk kureng lah.prefer tunggu sale baru beli =P lagipun most shops tak bagi cuba pun.
cik gojes ; kaaaaannn.kau memang paham la perasaan aku.hikhik.
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