just got back from Sg.Congkak for mycology's fieldwork.
sooo tired~ tapi best.mmg terbaik!
thinking of updating.but i'm exhausted.
awesome trip.thanks dr.Aidil for the suggestion.and million thanks to fellow microbians~
never thought that we could find many type of fungi in the forest.
i thought just the common ones in ur backyard.
i'll post the pics later guys~
too tired and sleepy~ couldnt lift up an eyelid anymore.zZzZzZz~
rindu syahir ijat... =/
p/s ; heaps of assigments are waiting~ o_O
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ini ke..........
haha.harini aku pegi library semula.
mula2 terpinga2 jugak.pastu aku tanya la pakcik kat kaunter pertanyaan.
pastu dia ajar la mcm mana nk cari jurnal.hoho.
*patut tahun 3 dah tau meh*
first time aku cari jurnal laaaa~
banyak weh.nak kena cari satu2.ke boleh cari online??
ok dah..tutup buku.jom balik bilik. =P
aku benci naik bas.aku siap awal.bas datang lambat.
akhirnya.TERponteng kelas paling penting!
cesssss.salah aku jugak sebab golek golek atas katil lama sgt.
hurm..terasa cepat sangat masa berlalu.
dah nak masuk minggu ke-3 rupenya.
kerja pun dah mula bertimbun-timbun.kebanyakkannye kerja latihan ilmiah.
dalam seminggu dua lagi.mula lab pula.
sedih sebab tak dapat nk jumpa dgn syahir ijat.
sorry syg...i wish i could spend more time with you.
harap2 dapat jumpa dia kat klia nnt..insyaAllah~
rindu syahir ijat sangat2..... ='(
haha.harini aku pegi library semula.
mula2 terpinga2 jugak.pastu aku tanya la pakcik kat kaunter pertanyaan.
pastu dia ajar la mcm mana nk cari jurnal.hoho.
*patut tahun 3 dah tau meh*
first time aku cari jurnal laaaa~
banyak weh.nak kena cari satu2.ke boleh cari online??
ok dah..tutup buku.jom balik bilik. =P
aku benci naik bas.aku siap awal.bas datang lambat.
akhirnya.TERponteng kelas paling penting!
cesssss.salah aku jugak sebab golek golek atas katil lama sgt.
hurm..terasa cepat sangat masa berlalu.
dah nak masuk minggu ke-3 rupenya.
kerja pun dah mula bertimbun-timbun.kebanyakkannye kerja latihan ilmiah.
dalam seminggu dua lagi.mula lab pula.
sedih sebab tak dapat nk jumpa dgn syahir ijat.
sorry syg...i wish i could spend more time with you.
harap2 dapat jumpa dia kat klia nnt..insyaAllah~
rindu syahir ijat sangat2..... ='(
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
aku ingat aku tahu.
hey hey~
tadi aku baru pegi ke library.
bukan la baru pegi.selama ni aku pegi je pun.
byk perkara lagi yg aku ingat aku tahu.tapi tak tahu rupanya.
tadi.baru aku tahu.nak scan barcode buku..xyah exposekan barcode pun.dia dah boleh scan.
selama 2 tahun aku kat ukm.aku punya la bukak muka depan buku tu tiap kali nak scan.
so tadi kali pertama aku scan barcode buku tanpa membuka muka depan.
cool ke tak cool? (aku la tak cool sebab baru tau.cody la kau alia)
lepas tu.tadi cadangnya nak mencari jurnal utk latihan ilmiah.
aku tanya kawan mcm mana dia cari jurnal.
die pun terangkan blablablabla.
sampai kat library.terpinga-pinga la aku kat tingkat 3 bahagian jurnal nak cari subjek mikrob.
*dekat ruang jurnal popular agaknye?*
alahai.makcik ni pegi rehat la pulak.takde sape2 utk ditanya T_T
jadi aku bakal pergi ke library lagi esok.
hujung minggu depan ktorg akan pergi ke sungai congkak utk kerja lapangan.
latihan utk konvo dah mula.tapi aku tak tahu nak pergi ke tak.
hati kata nak.kerja kata taknak. ;(
tadi aku baru pegi ke library.
bukan la baru pegi.selama ni aku pegi je pun.
byk perkara lagi yg aku ingat aku tahu.tapi tak tahu rupanya.
tadi.baru aku tahu.nak scan barcode buku..xyah exposekan barcode pun.dia dah boleh scan.
selama 2 tahun aku kat ukm.aku punya la bukak muka depan buku tu tiap kali nak scan.
so tadi kali pertama aku scan barcode buku tanpa membuka muka depan.
cool ke tak cool? (aku la tak cool sebab baru tau.cody la kau alia)
lepas tu.tadi cadangnya nak mencari jurnal utk latihan ilmiah.
aku tanya kawan mcm mana dia cari jurnal.
die pun terangkan blablablabla.
sampai kat library.terpinga-pinga la aku kat tingkat 3 bahagian jurnal nak cari subjek mikrob.
*dekat ruang jurnal popular agaknye?*
alahai.makcik ni pegi rehat la pulak.takde sape2 utk ditanya T_T
jadi aku bakal pergi ke library lagi esok.
hujung minggu depan ktorg akan pergi ke sungai congkak utk kerja lapangan.
latihan utk konvo dah mula.tapi aku tak tahu nak pergi ke tak.
hati kata nak.kerja kata taknak. ;(
i just want to go home.
i miss my mummy.
i miss my syahir ijat.
i miss mr bear.
so much ='(
Sunday, July 18, 2010
cinta hujung minggu.
hey korang =)
mesti korang pun rasa mcm aku kan. *kot?*
first week yang suck.first week yg macam minggu terakhir.
kerja tak pernah kenal minggu pertama atau minggu minggu yang lain lah.
penat dan kelam kabut menyusun jadual.korang ingat susun jadual senang ke hah?
lagi2 bila korang dah tahun akhir.
ape2 pun.terima kasih kepada shopping mall.wayang.dan yang paling penting.TAMAN TEMA!
shopping mall dan wayang and floria bersama kawan2 tersayang.
and a perfect getaway with my syahir ijat =)
sedih sebab lepas ni tak dapat cari masa utk berseronok.
harap2 ada kesempatan utk berjumpa dgn syahir ijat lagi.
sigh~ kadang2 jealous dengan kawan2 yang ada boyfriend dekat2.
tapi aku selalu fikir positif.berjauhan adalah satu kelebihan sebenarnya.
i'm so grateful to have you syahir ijat =)
thanx for every single thing~
alia najiah sayang syahir ijat sangat sangat sangat!
p/s ; takziah buat keluarga cikgu kamaruddin.semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.al-fatihah...you will never know when are you going to leave this world.
mesti korang pun rasa mcm aku kan. *kot?*
first week yang suck.first week yg macam minggu terakhir.
kerja tak pernah kenal minggu pertama atau minggu minggu yang lain lah.
penat dan kelam kabut menyusun jadual.korang ingat susun jadual senang ke hah?
lagi2 bila korang dah tahun akhir.
ape2 pun.terima kasih kepada shopping mall.wayang.dan yang paling penting.TAMAN TEMA!
shopping mall dan wayang and floria bersama kawan2 tersayang.
and a perfect getaway with my syahir ijat =)
sedih sebab lepas ni tak dapat cari masa utk berseronok.
harap2 ada kesempatan utk berjumpa dgn syahir ijat lagi.
sigh~ kadang2 jealous dengan kawan2 yang ada boyfriend dekat2.
tapi aku selalu fikir positif.berjauhan adalah satu kelebihan sebenarnya.
i'm so grateful to have you syahir ijat =)
thanx for every single thing~
alia najiah sayang syahir ijat sangat sangat sangat!
p/s ; takziah buat keluarga cikgu kamaruddin.semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.al-fatihah...you will never know when are you going to leave this world.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
takda tajuk.malas nk pke tajuk.penat.penat.penat!
baru minggu pertama weehhh ;(
ahhh.tu la..haritu excited sangat nak jadi budak tahun 3.hambik kau!
masing2 pun dah tau supervisor masing2.
so..secara kebetulan...alia najiah,aina mardhiya dgn farah nadiah dibawah satu penyelia.
how great is that!
tajuk thesis pun dah dapat hoh! (tak excited sangat)
tajuk yang AKU PILIH ; kajian keatas rhizobakteria toleran logam berat serta penciriannya sebagai penggalak pertumbuhan pokok.
macam susah.kaaannnnnnn??~
what the hell.jangan fikir susah sebelum kita cuba la alia.
ok.aku tgh try nak berfikiran positif sekarang.
dengan subjek2 yang aku pun tak tahu aku dapat score ke tak.
dengan presentation2 yang bakal ktorg buat.
dengan kajian2 yang perlu ktorg buat.
its definitely not a time for fooling around and having fun.
aku kena 1000% rajin tahun ni.aku taknak fail thesis ataupun poster ataupun ape2 je lah.
agak down sekarang.jadual lagi....
ok dah.jangan complain.jangan merungut.
p/s ; aku pinjam buku cerita dari library.dalam tu ada tulis Helicobacter pylori.tibe2 plak 2-3 hari ni mcm tak sihat.oh F! harap2 takde H.pylori (nak tau H.pylori buat ape.cari sendiri pls)
baru minggu pertama weehhh ;(
ahhh.tu la..haritu excited sangat nak jadi budak tahun 3.hambik kau!
masing2 pun dah tau supervisor masing2.
so..secara kebetulan...alia najiah,aina mardhiya dgn farah nadiah dibawah satu penyelia.
how great is that!
tajuk thesis pun dah dapat hoh! (tak excited sangat)
tajuk yang AKU PILIH ; kajian keatas rhizobakteria toleran logam berat serta penciriannya sebagai penggalak pertumbuhan pokok.
macam susah.kaaannnnnnn??~
what the hell.jangan fikir susah sebelum kita cuba la alia.
ok.aku tgh try nak berfikiran positif sekarang.
dengan subjek2 yang aku pun tak tahu aku dapat score ke tak.
dengan presentation2 yang bakal ktorg buat.
dengan kajian2 yang perlu ktorg buat.
its definitely not a time for fooling around and having fun.
aku kena 1000% rajin tahun ni.aku taknak fail thesis ataupun poster ataupun ape2 je lah.
agak down sekarang.jadual lagi....
ok dah.jangan complain.jangan merungut.
p/s ; aku pinjam buku cerita dari library.dalam tu ada tulis Helicobacter pylori.tibe2 plak 2-3 hari ni mcm tak sihat.oh F! harap2 takde H.pylori (nak tau H.pylori buat ape.cari sendiri pls)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
in the middle.
hey guys.
maybe some of you can have ur freedom without mum/dad worrying about you.
go wherever you want.whenever you want.whoever you want.
i am brought up by my parents by asking their permission first..
until now..i still ask my mum =)
mungkin sebab tu aku jarang keluar rumah.and prefer duduk kat rumah je.
kalo aku duk kat rumah seminggu tak keluar pun takpe =P
and i dont get bored easily by staying at home.byk benda bleh buat meh~
oh.mungkin sesetengah org cepat bosan lah kan?
ok right now,
i'm stuck in the middle of being nice and asking a favour from a friend.
of course the friend will say that they dont mind.
but i'm worried if they will think the other way about me.
mcm menyusahkan diorg ke ape.
(yeah.i care what my friends think abt me.so what?)
this person keep telling me that she is bored.and keep asking me to bring her out.
haiyo..aku pun merancang2 la plan.mmg lah kalo ade transport sendiri.
takkan menyusahkan si kawan.tapi...... ;(
ok.its once and for all..
soon you'll make new friends and forget about me. *jgn lah mcm tu*
haha.its not illegal to be 'nice' right~
thanx si kawan.aku asik menyusahkan korg je.sigh~
i wish i can repay you.tak habis2 menyusahkan korg.errrrrr~
(malu tapi tak malu)
hurm..aku pun selalu je asik menyusahkan si pokok.
but he dont mind.yekeee~ i know you minddddd~
sigh~ bersusah2 dahulu.bersenang2 kemudian ye tak?
p/s ; oh dah sakit tekak.jangkit dari si pokok.virus pokok mane bleh jangkit manusia?
maybe some of you can have ur freedom without mum/dad worrying about you.
go wherever you want.whenever you want.whoever you want.
i am brought up by my parents by asking their permission first..
until now..i still ask my mum =)
mungkin sebab tu aku jarang keluar rumah.and prefer duduk kat rumah je.
kalo aku duk kat rumah seminggu tak keluar pun takpe =P
and i dont get bored easily by staying at home.byk benda bleh buat meh~
oh.mungkin sesetengah org cepat bosan lah kan?
ok right now,
i'm stuck in the middle of being nice and asking a favour from a friend.
of course the friend will say that they dont mind.
but i'm worried if they will think the other way about me.
mcm menyusahkan diorg ke ape.
(yeah.i care what my friends think abt me.so what?)
this person keep telling me that she is bored.and keep asking me to bring her out.
haiyo..aku pun merancang2 la plan.mmg lah kalo ade transport sendiri.
takkan menyusahkan si kawan.tapi...... ;(
ok.its once and for all..
soon you'll make new friends and forget about me. *jgn lah mcm tu*
haha.its not illegal to be 'nice' right~
thanx si kawan.aku asik menyusahkan korg je.sigh~
i wish i can repay you.tak habis2 menyusahkan korg.errrrrr~
(malu tapi tak malu)
hurm..aku pun selalu je asik menyusahkan si pokok.
but he dont mind.yekeee~ i know you minddddd~
sigh~ bersusah2 dahulu.bersenang2 kemudian ye tak?
p/s ; oh dah sakit tekak.jangkit dari si pokok.virus pokok mane bleh jangkit manusia?
Monday, July 12, 2010
saya budak tahun 3!
ok ok.i know you've seen a lot of these 'saya budak tahun 3'
but what do i care.
seems like most of my friends are excited enough to go to today's morning class.
setiap hari pun morning class except for friday.
and we have a freeeee tuesday! no labs.just one class in the morning.
a full monday and a free tuesday.great great~
our subjects this sem are quite hard.but hey.dont say you cant do it before you even try.
today is just another dull and boring day.zZzZzZz~
there seems to be a lot of things going on in ukm right now.
there's this ASEAN games.and this weekend there will be another orchestra concert.
orchestra with universities around ASEAN.
gosh..i missed a lot of these major events..
i didnt play in the konsert diraja..didnt go to Wind Orchestra.and soon will miss this ASEAN orchestra concert..not sure about convocation yet.
nampak gaya mcm terpaksa lepaskan convocation jugak.
hadoi.frust jugak.tapi nak buat macam mana? more important things to be done.
seriously..rindu nak main clarinet.rindu nak dengar bunyi-bunyian instrument.
i really miss that music atmosphere~
whatever it is.DFTBA!

p/s ; looking forward eagerly for this weekend! (tak sabarnyee~)
but what do i care.
seems like most of my friends are excited enough to go to today's morning class.
setiap hari pun morning class except for friday.
and we have a freeeee tuesday! no labs.just one class in the morning.
a full monday and a free tuesday.great great~
our subjects this sem are quite hard.but hey.dont say you cant do it before you even try.
today is just another dull and boring day.zZzZzZz~

there's this ASEAN games.and this weekend there will be another orchestra concert.
orchestra with universities around ASEAN.
gosh..i missed a lot of these major events..
i didnt play in the konsert diraja..didnt go to Wind Orchestra.and soon will miss this ASEAN orchestra concert..not sure about convocation yet.
nampak gaya mcm terpaksa lepaskan convocation jugak.
hadoi.frust jugak.tapi nak buat macam mana? more important things to be done.
seriously..rindu nak main clarinet.rindu nak dengar bunyi-bunyian instrument.
i really miss that music atmosphere~
*i wish i can own a clarinet*

p/s ; looking forward eagerly for this weekend! (tak sabarnyee~)
oh ya.friends who are taking biology courses or subjects.
you can look for a wide variety of reference books here --> microbehunter
sharing is caring! ;)
take care people!
love you ;)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
senior year!
hey guys.
guessed that you guys too have gone back to your colleges right?
haha.i was so sad to leave the house.plus, too tired of packing and repacking again.
now i wished that i'm studing in UM.and i can just stay at home.
kelam kabut! i forgot to bring along my teddies =(
mr.bear, turtle, devil.huhu.
i arrived quite early though.left my books at home.
maybe will bring it over next 2 weeks.
but when i checked my timetable.gosh.what a pack week.
not including the labs yet.i really hate mondays!
argh.how i regret for not having my books now.
senior year huh.who would have guessed 3 years of studying would soon be over.
more pressure.more stress.more labwork.final year.what do you expect?
well...i'm sure that i'm ready for it~
bring it on~ new aims.high spirit.new motivation.
lets work hard and strive for better grades yah~
aiming for DL this year =)
p/s ; wannor aku benci kau sebab kau dpt tingkat 2.benci benci benci! smpi hati tinggalkan aku kat tingkat 4 ni =(
guessed that you guys too have gone back to your colleges right?
haha.i was so sad to leave the house.plus, too tired of packing and repacking again.
now i wished that i'm studing in UM.and i can just stay at home.
kelam kabut! i forgot to bring along my teddies =(
mr.bear, turtle, devil.huhu.
i arrived quite early though.left my books at home.
maybe will bring it over next 2 weeks.
but when i checked my timetable.gosh.what a pack week.
not including the labs yet.i really hate mondays!
argh.how i regret for not having my books now.
senior year huh.who would have guessed 3 years of studying would soon be over.
more pressure.more stress.more labwork.final year.what do you expect?
well...i'm sure that i'm ready for it~
bring it on~ new aims.high spirit.new motivation.
lets work hard and strive for better grades yah~
aiming for DL this year =)
p/s ; wannor aku benci kau sebab kau dpt tingkat 2.benci benci benci! smpi hati tinggalkan aku kat tingkat 4 ni =(
Thursday, July 8, 2010
all over again.
waiting for someone you really love might be the hardest thing.
those obstacles.those fights and arguments.all those misunderstandings.
sometimes all of these could make your heart grow bitter.
patience and love will make you go through the hard times.
even when things went wrong.we always look back to the love we used to have.
forgive.doesnt mean to forget.but enduring the mistakes we made, made us forgave.
understand more.and tolerate.and always believe that everything happens for a reason.
cherishing all the moments we had.will always make our hearts grow fonder.
looking forward to see each other.its like seeking for a little wonder.wonders of life.
thank you.and i thank GOD for the patience HE gave us.and i believe that our love is strong.
and i hope that this love will never go wrong.because togetherness is what we're after.
thank you my dear.for being such a patient man.
i know i made a lot of mistakes.but you never seem to withstand.
i love you now.and i will love you more.
and let us start our love all over again.
those obstacles.those fights and arguments.all those misunderstandings.
sometimes all of these could make your heart grow bitter.
patience and love will make you go through the hard times.
even when things went wrong.we always look back to the love we used to have.
understand more.and tolerate.and always believe that everything happens for a reason.
cherishing all the moments we had.will always make our hearts grow fonder.
looking forward to see each other.its like seeking for a little wonder.wonders of life.
and i hope that this love will never go wrong.because togetherness is what we're after.
thank you my dear.for being such a patient man.
i know i made a lot of mistakes.but you never seem to withstand.
i love you now.and i will love you more.
and let us start our love all over again.
i keep on falling in love with you, all over again my sweetheart.
p/s ; mcm seronok+sebak je gi keluar dgn syahir ijat td.hee.i am so grateful that i have you by my side syg. =) sorry i made you spent a lot of money on our date today.huhu.
so the lovetale of alia najiah and syahir aizat shall go on.......cheerios!
Monday, July 5, 2010
hey guys..
i've just received my order from ezloveycraft..
felt domo hp charm. =)
saje lah nak share dgn korang~
back view.
siap boleh jahit nama lagi ;)
i've just received my order from ezloveycraft..
felt domo hp charm. =)
saje lah nak share dgn korang~

siap boleh jahit nama lagi ;)
korang pun boleh order jugakkk~
check out ezloveycraft.
thanx ezy~ sbb buatkn utk alia ;)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Wind Orchestra 2010 (finale)
hello peeps.and fellow friends!
jgn risau.aku mmg tak pergi menonton konsert akhir Wind Orchestra kali ni.
tapi aku ada sumber2 yg boleh dipercayai ok. ;)
pelik tak pelik.tahun ni ada 9 buah sekolah yg menjadi finalis.
yah.selalu 5 atau 6.paling byk pun 8 buah.
mungkin tahun depan 10 buah pulak? (kot2 Convent Bukit Nenas masuk Division 1)
sedang mereka menghayati lagu2 orkestra.aku menghayati lagu2 dari live band sambil makan nasi minyak.
ok.bila aku kahwin..boleh la ajak diorg main band masa majlis persandingan.(cewah!)
keputusan yang sgt mengecewakan buat RoyalRhapsody dan juga penyokong2 setia RoyalRhapsody
1.Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah
2.Sekolah Sains Selangor
3.Kolej Tunku Kurshiah
Concerto D'amore dari SESMA mcm best dan romantik.
dari recordings.persembahan SERATAS mcm agak hambar berbanding dgn saringan.
saringan lagi seronok dan bertenaga.hurm..mungkin debaran final.(atau overconfident?)
takpe lah RR.mungkin bukan rezeki SERATAS tahun ni.better luck next year ;)
takpe lah RR.mungkin bukan rezeki SERATAS tahun ni.better luck next year ;)
ahaa..dgrnya lagu utk tahun depan dah jumpa..but still in consideration.
tak sabar utk konsert RR pulak next year.WAIT FOR IT!
bukan nk kata..tp SAS menang..padahal byk lagi persembahan dari sekolah2 lain yg lagi bagus.hurm.
p/s ; lagi penting utk menjaga hati org yg kita sayang drpd terus menyakiti =)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
kimi&keira ;)
hey hey!
tgk gmbr pun dah tau kan..aku mmg gila tart and pastries ni.sweet tooth ;)
so.untuk birthday kimi&keira, ktorg bawa tartlets~
shouldnt have put them in the fridge.the pastry has turned soggy.
hurm.next time will try not to put in the fridge and see what'll happen.
oh ya.we bought smaller moulds.like..size 4? last time it was 10/12.
asalkan sedap masuk perut sendiri pun ok la kan?
kimi&keira birthday cakes from coffee bean!
chocolate ice cream cake.yummy~
keira's cake is full with jelly beans and marshmallow toppings~
birthday boy!
kimi durani putra =)
Seratas Royal Rhapsody '10

chocolate ice cream cake.yummy~
keira's cake is full with jelly beans and marshmallow toppings~

kimi durani putra =)
4th of july.tarikh yang dinanti-nantikan..
loads of luck Royal Rhapsody! make us proud and make SERATAS proud!
main elok2.tuning elok2.ahhhhhh..korang mesti boleh buat punya la.
i have faith in you guys~ ;)

p/s ; i have decided not to go to PICC tomorrow.its a sacrifice i have to make for the one i care deeply. =) sorry rhapsodians................i'll support you from far =)
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