heyy peeps!
what have you guys been doing recently?
lately aku telah mem-busy-kan diri cari uni nak sambung study.
which university, what course do they offer, what kind of research.financial aid, and so on...
and so, aku pun bagi alasan dekat bos nak balik Malaysia awal sebab nak pergi uitm postgraduate open day.
bos dengan baik hati bagi balik seminggu awal, siap bayar extra flight charges sebab tukar tarikh balik.
aku pergi dua booth je, which is research institute of natural products for drug discovery and faculty of plantation and agrotechnology.
i can say that the first booth is quite unconvincing, mungkin cara lecturer tu explain ke apa.
but from the 2nd booth, aku dapat banyak maklumat and i asked a lot of questions daripada mcm mana nak cari supervisor sampai ke financial aid.
she was very convincing, and very encouraging.and i feel so happy that i talked her (not another quiet and passive lecturer).
head of plantation faculty lagi you.
apa yang aku dapat dari program tu memang sangat2 membantu.

oh btw, aku apply under faculty of plantation and agrotechnology sebab natural products for drug discovery tu didnt catch my interest at all. maybe because my final year project pun about soil bacteria and its characteristics as plant growth.
so i think i'm quite confident if i'll be doing my research related to that (plants, soil, etc.)
do you want to know what i'm thinking?
aku rasa aku nak buat research pasal rose diseases.hahaha.
sebab now my little pokoks are sick =( plus sekarang musim hujan.bunga ros kan manja~banyak air pun tak boleh.sikit air pun tak boleh.alahai.
anyway, do wish me luck~ baru apply je, tapi tak tau dapat ke tak.hee.
and thanks a bunch to family and friends and YOU yang banyak tolong bagi info and semangat semua. ;)
harap-harap dapat sambung belajar, insyaAllah~